Sergei Yakovenko's blog: on Math and Teaching

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Lecture 16, Jul 19, 2021

Filed under: Calculus on manifolds course — Sergei Yakovenko @ 9:28
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Sheaves, germs, Cech cohomology

In this concluding lecture we return to the basic notion of the “structural algebra” \mathscr C(M) of a manifold M which allows to introduce in the coordinate-free way all other geometric objects. Actually, the structural algebra is too large (and may be too rigid an object) to manipulate with. For instance, the property of a function to be invertible (a unit in the algebra) is rather rare in \mathscr C(M) (the function must be nonvanishing), but may well hold on very large parts of M where the function has no zeros.

Do deal with this, an idea of a sheaf was suggested. Morally sheafs are “functions with unspecified domains of definition”. Formally this means the following (we discuss only the sheaf of C^\infty-smooth functions).
We consider various coverings \{U_\alpha\} of the manifold M, and instead of a single algebra latex \mathscr C(M)$ we consider collection of algebras \mathscr C(U_\alpha), each of which should be thought of as the algebra of C^\infty-smooth functions defined in the open set U_\alpha. Clearly, these algebras cannot be totally independent. One obvious assumption is that if U_\beta\subseteq U_\alpha, then any element from \mathscr C(U_\alpha) can be “restricted” on U_\beta, i.e., there exists a natural morphism of algebras \mathscr C(U_\alpha)\to\mathscr C(U_\beta) with obvious composition rule for three morphisms associated with any triple U_\gamma\subseteq U_\beta\subseteq U_\alpha.
Given this “rectriction” morphisms, for any U_{\alpha,\beta} with a nonempty intersection U_{\alpha\beta}=U_\alpha\cap U_\beta, we may compare two elements f_\alpha\in\mathscr C(U_\alpha) and f_\beta\in\mathscr C(U_\beta) by looking at their restrictions on U_{\alpha\beta}. We say that these two elements agree on U_\alpha\cup U_\beta, if their restrictions coincide. Given a family of elements, we can generalize this notion for unions of several open sets.

Definition. Collection of algebras \mathscr C(U_\alpha) as above is called a sheaf, if any collection of elements \{f_\alpha\} which agree on the intersections, always corresponds to a unique element f\in \mathscr C(U), \ U=\bigcup_\alpha U_\alpha, which after restriction on each U_\alpha coincides with f_\alpha.

The flexibility contained in this construction allows to simplify formulations of many statements.

Definition. Let a\in M be a point on the manifold and \hat {\mathscr C}(a) a set of functions f, each defined (at least) in an open neighborhood U_f\subseteq M of a (each for each function) and C^\infty-smooth in this neighborhood. Two functions f,g\in \hat{\mathscr C}(a) are called equivalent, if there exists an open neighborhood U\subseteq U_f\cap U_g, \ U\owns a, such that f\equiv g on U. The equivalence classes are called germ of smooth functions, and the set of all germs is usually denoted by \mathscr C(M,a).

Theorem. Germs at a given point form a commutative \mathbb R-algebra with the natural operations. This algebra is local: the set \mathfrak m\in\mathscr C(M,a),\ \mathfrak m=\{f:\ f(a)=0\} is the unique maximal ideal in it.

The notion of a germ is the realization of the “maximal localization” of objects (functions, vector fields, differential forms) to a smallest, “indivisible” domain of definition which still follows to work with analytic tools (computing derivatives of any order, study convergence of the Taylor series etc.).

Scribbled notes:
Meeting Recording:

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  1. ” This recording does not exist. (3,301) “

    Comment by Anonymous — Friday, July 23, 2021 @ 8:07 | Reply

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